PayrollPanda is FREE forever for unlimited users. Upgrade for additional features.

  • Free

    Essential payroll & HR software solution for employers

    RM 0 free
    no company fee, no SST
    • Unlimited payroll months
    • Unlimited employee count
    • Payslip generation
    • Generates form E and EA
    • Automated tax & statutory calculations
    • 80+ preset payroll items
    Sign up now
  • Pro

    Advanced payroll & HR software solution for employers

    RM 6.80 person /
    + RM32.30 company fee (excluding SST)
    • Everything in Free +
    • Mulitple users to manage payroll
    • Unlimited bulk uploads
    • Bank payment files
    • Unlimited report exports
    • Payroll expert support
    • Integrations
    • API
    Start FREE trial
  • Enterprise

    For companies with 100+ staff

    Let's talk flexible pricing for your business

    All for the custom needs of your organization and customers

    • Everything in Pro +
    • Customized pricing
    • Prioritized support
    Contact us
Free Sign Up Now Pro Start FREE Trial
Unlimited payroll
Reopen approved payroll
Cloud access
Automatic statutory updates
Payroll summary files
Preset payroll items
Customise payroll items
LHDN-approved payroll
Detailed PCB calculations
Integration sync
Bulk edit payroll
Payroll report
Payroll report exports
Bank payment files
Individual payment files
Payroll admins
1 owner Unlimited admins
Unlimited employees
Filter employees
Recurring payroll items
Export employee data
YTD Data
Bulk upload employees
Bulk upload YTD data
Bulk edit employees
Filter by Department
Filter by Location
Filter by Position
Payroll calculations
Automated SOCSO calculations
Automated EIS calculations
Automated EPF calculations
Automated PCB/MTD calculations
Automated HRDF calculations
Proration of salary
Payroll cut off
1 Unlimited
Payroll calculation policies
1 Daily, 1 Monthly Unlimited
1 Unlimited
Payslips generation
Watermarked payslips
Export payslips
Email payslips
EA Form
E Form
TP1 Form
TP3 Form (for joiners)
TP3 Form (for leavers)
CP21 Form
CP22 Form
CP22a Form
PCB2 Form
LHDN Audit
Expert support
Help articles

HRDF registered?

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Attend our 100% HRDF claimable payroll class and get PayrollPanda for FREE!
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Need more than payroll?

Integrate PayrollPanda with top HR platforms!

Experience a comprehensive HR system with our payroll integrations.
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Streamline your payroll for FREE!

Experience seamless payroll management at no cost! No obligations, no credit card details required.

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