Payments Subject to EPF Contribution

In general, all monetary payments that are meant to be wages are subject to EPF contribution. These include:

  • Salaries
  • Payments for unutilized annual or medical leave
  • Bonuses
  • Allowances (except a few, see below)
  • Commissions
  • Incentives
  • Arrears of wages
  • Wages for maternity leave
  • Wages for study leave
  • Wages for half day leave
  • Other contractual payments or otherwise

Payments Exempted From EPF Contribution

The payments below are not considered “wages” by the EPF and are not subject to EPF deduction.

  • Service charges (tips, etc)
  • Overtime payments
  • Gratuity (payment to employee payable at the end of a service period or upon voluntary resignation)
  • Retirement benefits
  • Termination benefits
  • Travel allowances
  • Payment in lieu of notice of termination of service
  • Director’s fee
  • Gifts (includes Cash Payments for holidays like Hari Raya, Christmas, etc.)

Please read our next articles to know more about the EPF contribution rate and how to make EPF payment.

Let our payroll software calculate all your contributions. Book a demo.


Some frequently asked questions...

In general, all monetary payments intended as wages are subject to EPF contribution. This includes salaries, payments for unutilised annual or medical leave, bonuses, allowances (except travel allowances), commissions, incentives, arrears of wages, wages for maternity leave, study leave, and half-day leave, and other contractual payments.

Certain payments are not considered “wages” by the EPF and are thus exempted from EPF contribution. 

These include service charges (tips, etc.), overtime payments, gratuity, retirement benefits, termination benefits, travel allowances, payment in lieu of notice of termination of service, director’s fee, and gifts (including cash payments for holidays like Hari Raya, Christmas, etc).

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